Month: June 2017


Checked out insomnia.

I’m not sure if what I have is insomnia.

It’s not that I have difficulties sleeping.

If I feel tired enough or the surroundings are peaceful enough, when I do hit that bed, I sleep like a log.

It’s more like I don’t want to sleep.

Like I’m in a trance and just can’t get my body to bed.

Like I still have to do something.

Mind overdrive?

So I made this post.


I’m scared to live all by myself in one house.

I think I’ll forever be alert.

I still couldn’t shake off my childhood monsters lurking in the shadows.

Supernatural stuff.

And then there’s real monster people.

And housing is still too expensive. 

But if ever, one housemate is all I need.

In a small home.

With a nice kitchen.

And a little garden.


I don’t want to die in a hospital.

I want to die like that character I saw in a movie, where she just sat in a rocking chair facing a lake and waited.

I don’t want any tubes or drugs to keep me alive.

I want to die with nature surrounding me.

Then I want my loved ones to have a party for me.

To celebrate and reminisce my life with them.

Life and Death

Saw this post on my fb newsfeed that says something like the stars and planets will continue even if one kills herself, so why not?

It disturbed others.

But some thought about it.

Some opened up.

Maybe lives were saved that day.

Maybe some chose to find peace outside life.

Sometimes it’s hard to respect other people’s choices.

It hurts us to see our loved ones burst.

But sometimes we just have to look beyond our personal pain and think about the other person.